Intersect Ed

Beyond the Classroom: How Teachers Are Coping and Connecting in the Age of COVID

Episode Summary

In the second episode of Intersect Ed, hosted by Raise Your Hand’s Tessa Benavides, listeners hear from five teachers from across Texas. They share the challenges and successes they had dealing with a lack of access to reliable internet and technology, building an engaging virtual classroom, navigating student engagement through a crisis, and finding ways to meaningfully connect with parents and families.

Episode Notes

When Texas schools closed in mid-March, teachers had to pivot almost overnight to a new model of teaching, while simultaneously dealing with crisis management. Over the following months, we saw social media posts of teachers serving meals, leading parades, holding up encouraging signs, or tutoring students across their lawn. As these social media moments began to fade, we wanted to learn more about what their daily work was like throughout the spring semester. 

In the second episode of Intersect Ed, hosted by Raise Your Hand’s Tessa Benavides, listeners hear from five teachers from across Texas. They share the challenges and successes they had dealing with a lack of access to reliable internet and technology, building an engaging virtual classroom, navigating student engagement through a crisis, and finding ways to meaningfully connect with parents and families.